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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday, May 15--our last class day

Today Ms. Hill and I soaked up as much love and sweet moments as we could with our Froggy Fours. We had just enough time for one last class project--I Spy bottles! The kids had a great time choosing objects, placing them in their bottles, and shake shake shaking!

We also handed out the beautiful memory books that Ms. Hill has worked so hard on this year. We loved seeing the kids flip through the books and look back on their time with us.

We celebrated Hayden's 5th birthday and included our three summer birthdays in the festivities. Happy birthday to Hayden, Landon, Sophia, and Grant!

The kids had just enough smiles left for us to get a few commemorative shots. Thank you for a wonderful year, Froggy Fours. You are an incredible group of kids! We love you!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Wrapping up the Year in Pictures--May 2012

May Placemats

X is for X Ray
Walking to the Library
Sticking with our partners
Watch out for the crack!
Library Time!

Picnic Snack!

Graduation Practice (below)

Marble Painting our Zebras and Practicing the letter Zz