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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Successful Open House

Thank you to all of the parents who attended tonight's open house! Tomorrow is our special abbreviated day to help the kids get acquainted with their teachers and classmates. Please remember there is no carpool tomorrow. You will need to walk your child in at 9:05, and come back to pick them up at 10:30. We will have a very laid-back and fun morning complete with coloring, story time, and free play. We appreciate your willingness to share your children with us! See you in the morning!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Welcome to Mrs. Jones' and Ms. Hill's Class!

We are very excited to be your children's teachers! Don't forget that Parents' Night is Wednesday, August 31, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. We kick off the new school year on Thursday, September 1, 2011, with a special preview day. Please join us from 9:05-10:30 for a morning full of fun and time with new friends.

Our first official day of class is Tuesday, September 6. We can't wait to see you there!