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Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

Today we attempted an incredible feat. Ms. Hill and I organized four centers for the students to work at simultaneously, and they did a FANTASTIC job.

Two of our four centers

And the other two...waiting for the magic to happen

Here is what a successful day with four centers looks like when you mix in some adorable and eager students.

Everyone hard at work

Today during Calendar and Centers, we wrapped up our unit on the letter Gg and began our new unit on the letter Jj.

Jumping Js! We are so excited!

From G to J. Byron at the writing center.

We colored and cut geese, which we will tie with string tomorrow in order to make them "fly."

Little artists at work



Steven and his goose in progress.

We painted the bodies of our jellyfish in preparation for tentacles tomorrow.

Sydney's rainbow jellyfish

Benjamin loves green!

Chloe's creation

We also enjoyed a sensory center with Play Doh and cookie cutters.

Colorful creations.

Rolling the Doh.

Flower power.

Emily brought her jump rope today and showed us the "ropes" on what to do. Please send in a jump rope with your child this week if you have one.

This is how we jump rope.

Watch closely now.

Taking it all in.
See you tomorrow for more Jj fun!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Today we wrapped up our unit on the letter Gg. We brainstormed all of the Gg words we could think of and wrote them down.

We finished our God Made Me Great projects, wrapped up our work with a blue string, and brought it home to Mom and Dad.

We also made green goo! The kids and I discussed how to follow a recipe, measured our ingredients, and mixed all of our items to create an interesting concoction! 

 We had Calendar while we waited for our ingredients to solidify. We discussed the differences between a liquid and a solid and decided our green goo was sort of an "in between." Almost everyone was willing to touch it.

Nicole wasn't sure about the goo, so Ella chose to stand by her friend.
Next week we will kick off our unit on the letter Jj with a Jumping J Monday. If anyone has kid-sized jump ropes they are willing to send in, we would love to give the kids an opportunity to try jump roping in the courtyard. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Today we continued to discuss the hard Gg sound and the soft Gg sound using gingerbread men and glitter glue. The kids first cut out gingerbread men with numbers on their tummies. Then they sorted the numbers for counting by tens and glued them in order onto their papers. This activity was great at reinforcing number recognition and sequencing. Mrs. Hill and I were very pleased with how well the kids did.

We also decorated paper gingerbread men with multiple colors of glitter glue. The kids were a little disappointed their colorful creations were not edible.

We also got to enjoy our favorite Thursday treat--music with Ms. Caitlin!

We capped off our busy and exciting day with our God Made Me Great activity, which we will finish up tomorrow. The kids were very interested in doing a great job decorating their body outlines.




Don't forget tomorrow is Show and Tell! See you then!