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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fruits and Veggies

Today we dug in the sand for a fruit and veggie excavation! The students got to use the sand tables to find the hidden fruits and veggies and then rotated to two math centers. 

Our sand tables


The first math center was an apple counting center.  The kids read the number and color off of their cards and counted out the corresponding apples to create their Apple Counting Books. (Anyone see a theme emerging?)

When they finished their books, they moved on to the apple measuring table.  Using cubes, they measured the height of their apples.  They also measured circumference with a string.  Best of all, they measured themselves by lining up next to our apple line.

We finished our day with a delicious healthy snack guessed it! Apples! 


Monday, September 17, 2012

T is for Turtle

What better way to start out a Monday morning than with a little turtle shell bedazzling?  For morning work, our guys and gals practiced their T sounds and then did a little redecorating on Ted the Turtle.

We also learned this month's Bible story, Noah's Ark, which was the perfect segue into our discussion of animals.  Our theme this week is farms, and we will talk about everything from pigs and sheep to crops and barns.  We started working on our toilet paper roll farm animals. They don't look like much now, but trust us, the finished product is super cute! :)

At Calendar and Circle Time, we talked about our T sound and started a brain storming list of words that begin with the letter T. Check out our moves as we used our bodies to make the letter Tt!

We read I'm Gonna Like Me by Jamie Lee Curtis as a wrap-up to last week's All About Me unit as well as a story about Noah's Ark. We sang a great and catchy song called "The Lord Told Noah."

Finally we wrapped up our classroom time with a healthy snack before heading outside to play.  Happy Monday!

Friday Fun

Friday was full of activities! We wrapped up our All About Me unit by sharing pictures and stories about our families.  We also introduced the letter M with a little fine motor skills work that included marshmallows. Needless to say, it was tough for the kids not to eat their materials.  At centers we worked on tangrams and floor puzzles, but our favorite part of the day was definitely Show and Tell.