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Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Today we wrapped up our unit on the letter Gg. We brainstormed all of the Gg words we could think of and wrote them down.

We finished our God Made Me Great projects, wrapped up our work with a blue string, and brought it home to Mom and Dad.

We also made green goo! The kids and I discussed how to follow a recipe, measured our ingredients, and mixed all of our items to create an interesting concoction! 

 We had Calendar while we waited for our ingredients to solidify. We discussed the differences between a liquid and a solid and decided our green goo was sort of an "in between." Almost everyone was willing to touch it.

Nicole wasn't sure about the goo, so Ella chose to stand by her friend.
Next week we will kick off our unit on the letter Jj with a Jumping J Monday. If anyone has kid-sized jump ropes they are willing to send in, we would love to give the kids an opportunity to try jump roping in the courtyard. Have a great weekend!