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Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Today we started our unit on the letter Mm. The kids seem to have a great understanding of the Mm sound already. In fact, these are the words we came up with together this morning.

Hayden was our leader today. He did a wonderful job leading us in the pledge and helping us with our sight words.

This week we added "me" and "we" to our sight word list. We have now introduced the following words: today, is, the, a, me, and we. The kids also recognize their days of the week by sight. Flashcards are a great way to reinforce at home the words we are learning at school. Your little ones continue to amaze me with their capacity to learn new things!

At our centers today, we perfected our fine motor skills by gluing macaroni noodles onto magenta M's. The kids also painted what will become their Mardi Gras masks for our "Marching With Masks" activity tomorrow.

Using our sight word "me" as a launching pad, we also began our "All About Me" unit today. The kids got to tell me something special about themselves, and we wrote everything down on our chalkboard. Tomorrow they will begin an All About Me booklet that allows them to learn their birthday, address, phone number, and family tree.

Please let me know what number you would like your child to practice memorizing. Many of the kindergarten assessments ask children their address and phone number, so this is an important skill we will be practicing throughout the remainder of the year. If anyone has old cell phones they no longer use, we would love to have them to use for practice in the classroom.

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