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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Today we celebrated a belated President's Day by creating George Washington and Abraham Lincoln finger puppets. Thank you to all the parents for sending in quarters and pennies to give our groovy finger puppets the appropriate head!

Mrs. Jones' lovely artwork to show what our
finger puppets will look like.

Some assembly required

Too fun not to play with

Showing off our work
We learned that George Washington was our first President, and Abraham Lincoln was our sixteenth. We also discussed interesting and fun facts like Washington's white hair and Lincoln's beard and top hat (the kids think he was dapper). We mentioned the Revolutionary and Civil Wars as well.

The kids also learned that Barack Obama is our current President. Try talking with them about the upcoming election if the opportunity arises because they chatted with us about voting, and they are interested to see if Obama gets to be the "leader" for a second time or if the country gets a new leader like they get each day of school. 

The class modeling their Georges and Abes

Our leader and our caboose giving us an up-close shot

We also started our unit on the letter Uu. Please note that silly Mrs.Jones misread the calendar when she was preparing this week's lessons, and as a result, our Kk week will now be a Uu week. Don't worry, we'll kick back up with Kk next week. We personalized umbrellas today using markers and glue sticks, and tomorrow we will make it "rain" glue all around our umbrellas.

Sydney was our leader today, and she did a wonderful job holding the flag while the class said the pledge. She also got to take down our "rainy" weather sign and replace it with "partly cloudy." We introduced two new sight words, "up" and "can", which we will be practicing each day during Calendar.

I pledge allegiance....

Sydney added an exclamation point at the end of her sentence to show she was excited about being the leader!
Our ten sight words!
Tomorrow we will continue our Uu unit by discussing short and long vowel sounds and drawing some underwater sea creatures. If you have not sent in a preferred phone number or address, please do so tomorrow because we start working on phone numbers in the morning. See you then!

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