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Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012: W is for Wind

Today we started our Ww unit! Although our primary theme will focus on weather, we will also incorporate many other Ww words into the curriculum. Today was an exciting day! We began with practicing our phone numbers.

After free play we gathered for Circle Time. We brainstormed Ww words (a very impressive list so far) and talked about the four seasons. We even read a book describing all of the weather characteristics of each of the seasons.

Afterwards we talked about four types of weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, and snowy weather. The students had very creative ideas about all of the reasons they like each of these weather types. When we finished discussing all of the things you could do for each kind, we graphed our favorites.

As you can see, there was tie between sunny weather and snowy weather. The kids originally predicted sunny weather would be the favorite, and cloudy weather would be the least favorite. Their guesses were pretty accurate.

For our table center, we conducted a little experiment with wind. Each student had a straw he or she could blow through in order to feel the "wind." We took seven objects of different sizes and shapes and predicted whether or not the kids' wind could move each object. This activity was very fun, and Ms. Hill and I had a lot of little pre-k spit to clean off the tables when we were finished! :)

Finally we started our Weather Worms. Each day we will decorate a part of our worms' bodies with a picture of what the weather is like. Hopefully, the weather will make things interesting for us!

Tomorrow we will talk about walruses and the water cycle! See you then!

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